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Geschichte der Stadt Zwittau und ihrer Umgebung

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Kreis Landskron

Schönhengster Heimatbund e.V.

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Familie Lug


Beiträge: 3
Anmeldedatum: 30.11.2009
Wohnort: Camden Maine USA
Beitrag Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 03.12.2009, 16:16    
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Ich suche Auskunft an meinem Grossmutter Josefa Lug.

Sie war in Landskron am Marz 8, 1883 geboren. Sie kam in USA am 05.09.1908 mit der Pennsylania an. In Deutschland fuhr sie aus dem Hafen Cuxhaven ab.

Ich habe ein foto, mit dem Worten : "Johann Lug, 75 3/4 yrs , Anna Lug 76 yrs". Ich glaube den Eltern (oder vielleicht Grosseltern) . Auch, glaube ich das sie ein Bruder, Gustav (?) hat.

In USA, sie hat Albert Kopesky am Januar 24, 1911 zu Philadelphia geheiratet. Ich kenne nicht noch mehr.

Kennt Jemand diese Familien?

Es tut mir leid, das kenne ich nur ein bißchen Deutsch.

Viele Grüße,

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Beiträge: 452
Anmeldedatum: 13.06.2007
Wohnort: Hamburg
Beitrag Aw.: Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 30.12.2009, 12:23    
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Hi Bob,

first of all a warm welcome to this site! Großes Lächeln

I just noticed that you haven't got any answer to your query so far. Seems that there's nobody around who'd be able to give you any hint, so let me give it a try even though the Landskron district actually is not exactly my area of research.

Pfeil Did you get your grandmother's immigration information from Ellis Island Records?
Pfeil Do you have (a copy of) her marriage license and/or her birth certificate? On either document her parents - including her mother's maiden name - should be mentioned.
Pfeil Did you check any of the respective US censuses to maybe find some neighbours, friends, remote relatives or the like?

Anyway, I did have a look at her Ellis Island Record (Ship's Manifest) and funny enough she did not mention her father but her brother Gustav in Landskron as her home address reference in the country of origin and as final destination she stated a Mrs. Ekhard, a friend in Camden. Does this friend's name sound in any way familiar to you? Did she live there before getting married?

Good Luck & Seasons Greetings from Hamburg, Germany!

Gisela Mr. Green
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Beiträge: 3
Anmeldedatum: 30.11.2009
Wohnort: Camden Maine USA
Beitrag Aw.: Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 30.12.2009, 21:04    
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Hello Gisela,

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my post. ( and writing in English, my high school German is poor )

I did obtain the the immigration information from Ellis Island Records.

I have her marriage certificate from a Catholic church in Philadelphia PA, but it only lists witnesses, not parents. But you have given me an idea, that I can contact City of Philadelphia for an actual marriage license which may list parents.

From Census records, I only know that she was a boarder with the Ekhard family in 1910, on a street in Camden New Jersey close to where my grandparents later lived. As a child in the 50's, I remember several Austrian and German families in the neighborhood but I did not know the Ekhard's.

If I interpret the forum instructions correctly, I can post a link to photos on the forum. I will try to post the only 2 familie Lug photos I have from Austria, a wedding photo, and a picture of 2 elder Lugs. Perhaps someone on the forum will recognize them.

My grandfather was from Rauchwarth, Vas, Austria-Hungary, now Rauchwart, Burgenland, Austria. I was able to visit there and obtain church records.
I realize it is not your area of research, but do you know if many church records still exist in Landskron, and who/ where I could write for information?

Thanks again and best regards from Camden Maine, USA.

Guten Rutsch Bob
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Beiträge: 452
Anmeldedatum: 13.06.2007
Wohnort: Hamburg
Beitrag Aw.: Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 02.01.2010, 06:44    
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Hello Bob,

hoping you had a wonderful New Year's Eve & wishing you an even better and successful year in 2010!
Your German, anyway, is excellent Ausrufezeichen and I just chose English in order to spare me hopping from one language to the other everytime it comes down to keywords like marriage license etc. ...

You asked
do you know if many church records still exist in Landskron, and who/ where I could write for information?

Well, if your grandmother's denomination was roman-catholic, the respective church records of Landskron (Landskroun) beginning in 1625 are kept at the Zamrsk (Samrsk) archives:

Statni Oblastni Archiv V Zamrsk
CZ-56543 Zamrsk, Schloß
Tel = 00420 465 503 122, 135
Fax = 00420 465 503 117

Data around the turn of the 20th century and later is normally still kept at the community's administration (city hall or the like).

The following link will lead you to an enlarged excerpt of a drawn Landskron city-map showing the fromer inhabitants of all the houses as of 05-08-1945 found under the link "Kreis Landskron" on the left hand bar of this site whre you'll find the surname LUG almost right in the middle:

Maybe you should also visit this Landskron homepage for additional information. They even give you the possibility to switch to English explanations of the contents. Großes Lächeln

Best regards from Hamburg in good old Germany,


P.S.: You should also try to post a link to the photos you mentioned or even the photos as such. This can lead to very helpful hints at times.
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Beiträge: 1001
Anmeldedatum: 19.05.2007
Wohnort: Eßlingen am Neckar
Beitrag Aw.: Aw.: Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 04.01.2010, 18:03    
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Giselap hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Well, if your grandmother's denomination was roman-catholic, the respective church records of Landskron (Landskroun) beginning in 1625 are kept at the Zamrsk (Samrsk) archives:

Statni Oblastni Archiv V Zamrsk
CZ-56543 Zamrsk, Schloß
Tel = 00420 465 503 122, 135
Fax = 00420 465 503 117

Data around the turn of the 20th century and later is normally still kept at the community's administration (city hall or the like).
Hello Bob,
here I have put links about Zámrsk.
Kind regards
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Beiträge: 3
Anmeldedatum: 30.11.2009
Wohnort: Camden Maine USA
Beitrag Aw.: Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 06.01.2010, 01:33    
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Thank you very much Gisela and Thomas for your kind help.

I have attached a link to the only 2 pictures I have of Lug family members.
Perhaps someone on the forum, when searching the name Lug, might recognize an ancestor.

Best Regards from Camden Maine

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Beiträge: 452
Anmeldedatum: 13.06.2007
Wohnort: Hamburg
Beitrag Aw.: Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 06.01.2010, 05:15    
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Hello Bob,

I just had a look at your 2 pictures.
Pfeil Do you have any idea about when they might have been taken?

Considering the outfits worn and the type of picture the one showing Anna & Johann LUG could have been taken around 1930 or 1940 as a private snapshot (thus that couple could by no means be your grandmother's grandparents, but rather either her parents or more likely even a brother with wife), whereas the wedding picture (whose marriage? Gustav's?? Or Johann & Anna's??? Looks like your grandmother was one of the bride's maids!) must have been taken around 1900 or a bit later by a professional photographer.
Pfeil Is there any name/address imprinted or merely stamped/coined anywhere (maybe on the carton-frame?) on the professionally taken picture?

Best regards from freezing Hamburg (still snowing here),

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Beiträge: 9
Anmeldedatum: 27.07.2018
Wohnort: Niederösterreich
Beitrag Aw.: Familie Lug. Verfasst am: 21.08.2018, 21:56    
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Hello Bob!

Did you find in the meantime your great-grandmothers or great-grandfathers names?

My great-grandmother was:

Anna Heinz (born 18.12.1864)
parents: Peter Lug from Lukau 24, Landskron - born 09.09.1841 and Anna born 02.08.1846 (father: Josef Tejkl)

The parents of Peter:
Johann Lug (born 08.12.1794 in Lukau 24, Landskron) and Anna Maria Schön (born 01.02.1801)

The parents of Johann:
Josef Lug and Theresia Frodl from Lukau/Landskron

Maybe we have same ancestors?
Best regards from Austria!
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